Open Banking Hackathon took place at the end of September 2022 and brought together forces in Central and Eastern Europe's financial industry ecosystem to discuss and find solutions as we are moving forwards to the PSD3 on the table of the European Commission......
Competiția Eurovision de inovație în fintech, Open Banking Hackathon, care a avut loc în perioada 26 septembrie – 30 septembrie 2022, a reunit forțe impresionante din ecosistemul industriei financiare din Europa Centrală și de Est....
Open Banking Hackathon which took place last week between 26th of September to 30th of September 2022, brought together impressive forces in Central and Eastern Europe's financial industry .....
Competiția Eurovision de inovație în fintech, Open Banking Hackathon, care a avut loc săptămâna trecută în perioada 26 septembrie – 30 septembrie 2022, a reunit forțe impresionante din ecosistemul industriei financiare din Europa Centrală și de Est......
During the hackathon week, competing teams will be working on open banking solutions for AI-powered engines in the insurance sector, enterprise accounting ...
Over 40 fintechs from Central, Eastern, and Western Europe have expressed an interest in participating in the Open Banking Hackathon – CEE Edition 2022. ..
Over 40 fintechs from Central, Eastern, and Western Europe have expressed an interest in participating in the Open Banking Hackathon - CEE Edition 2022....